Azeeta Nielsen
21 Dec 2023
Smiling and laughing are key developmental milestones in your baby’s new journey outside the womb. You may spot your baby ‘smiling’ when sleeping or breaking wind and this can be viewed as practice. What you are looking for is a smile in response to you, a social smile, which happens around the two month mark.
You can encourage your baby to smile by showing them yours, talking to them and remembering that they are learning to mimic through you and the world around them.
The same goes for laughing which usually happens around the 3-4 month mark. However, a baby laughing is different to an adult. I like to see it as a way of showing endearment. Baby’s laugh to show you that they enjoy your presence or what you are doing.
It’s important to remember that all babies develop at different rates and if you are concerned reach out to a health professional for guidance.
By Azeeta Nielsen
By Azeeta Nielsen

Azeeta Nielsen
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